Monday, May 17, 2021 at 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM PDT

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Monday, May 17, 2021 at 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM PDT

CREATE is a power packed experience of self-discovery and bringing our inner and outer perceptions into coherence. We are all incredible creators. However, we generally create in an unconscious manner, producing haphazard or undesirable results. Often, we fail to achieve the desires of our hearts because of programs and conditioning.


In this course, we will experience:

 • Deeper awareness of how our emotions are affecting our ability to CREATE

 • Shifts in consciousness

 • Energy clearing & balancing

 • Gifts and Miracles


In this course ancient sacred practices, powerful teachings, meditations led by an awakened teacher/guide from India to prepare us for a powerful transmission of light so we can CREATE Abundance in all areas of our lives.


This course will be taught live from India. It is an incredible opportunity!

Debra Apsara

Debra Apsara came onto this planet smiling, happy and with a deep connection to God. Her mother would often go into her room to see if she was sleeping and Debra would have her hands straight up in the air giggling and playing with something above her. Her mother said it was the Angels. Since 2006 Debra has been on a mission to help Awaken Humanity and help people Heal mind, body and consciousness. Her passion is to have fun, expand, and truly live life affecting all those around her. She is dedicated to her own growth in consciousness, which brings her to India multiple times a year. She has been traveling to India for the past 11 years to learn from the great teacher’s Sri AmmaBhagavan the founders of Oneness University where she has attended over 20 courses and classes. Debra was Initiated in 2010 while at Oneness University to teach special courses and classes and again with an Advanced Course in 2014. Debra also works as a Registered Nurse helping those with illnesses that leave them very sick and at times terminal. Her love of humanity and her Divine are the driving force in all she does.

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